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Bit/Byte/Word Operations
 POKEB              Write a byte to a specified memory address
 POKEDW             Write a double word to a specified memory address
 POKEW              Write a word to a specified memory address
 VARADDR            Store the address of a variable to another variable
 VAROFF             Store the offset address of a variable to a variable
 VARSEG             Store the segment address of a variable to a variable

 CLOSECAP           Close the capture file previously opened with OPENCAP
 DELETE             Delete a specified file from the disk it resides on
 DIR                Performs a DOS file directory command
 FAPPEND            Open a file for append access
 FCLOSE             Close an open file channel
 FCREATE            Create and open a file
 FGET               Get (read) a line from an open file
 FOPEN              Open a file
 FPUT/FPUTLN        Put(write) a line(s) to a open file (wo/w CR-line feed)
 FPUTPAD            Put(write) a line(s) of a specified width to an open file
 FREWIND            Rewind an open file
 LOG                Log a message to the callers log
 OPENCAP            Open the screen capture file
 RDUNET             Read info from the USERNET file for a specific node
 RDUSYS             Read a USERS.SYS file in from disk
 RENAME             Rename (or move) a file
 WRUNET             Write information to the USERNET file for a specific node
 WRUSYS             Write a USERS.SYS file out to disk

I/O to/from user
 DISPFILE           Display a specified (or alternate) file
 DISPSTR            Display a string, text file, or execute a PPE
 DISPTEXT           Display a specified prompt from the PCBTEXT file
 FRESHLINE          If the cursor is not in column 1, do a newline
 MPRINT/MPRINTLN    Display expressions on the callers screen only
 NEWLINE            Write a newline to the display
 NEWLINES           Execute a specified number of NEWLINE statements
 INPUT              Prompt the user for text input
 INPUT...           Prompt user for special formated data input
 INPUTSTR           Prompt user for a string of text in a specific format
 INPUTTEXT          Prompt the user for a string of text of specified length
 MORE               Displays a MORE? prompt
 OPTEXT             Set the text to be used by the @OPTEXT@ macro.
 PRINT/PRINTLN      Print (write) a line to the screen (wo/w newline)
 PROMPTSTR          Prompt user for input using a PCBTEXT prompt
 SPRINT/SPRINTLN    Print (write) to local screen (BBS) only (wo\w newline)

 KBDCHKOFF          Turn off keyboard timeout checking
 KBDCHKON           Turn on keyboard timeout checking
 KBDFILE            Stuff contents of a text file into the keyboard buffer
 KBDSTUFF           Stuff a string into the keyboard buffer

 CDCHKOFF           Turn off carrier detect checking
 CDCHKON            Turn on carrier detect checking
 DTROFF             Turn off the serial port DTR signal
 DTRON              Turn on the serial port DTR signal
 SENDMODEM          Send a string to the modem
 WAITFOR            Wait for a specific string to come in from the modem

Program Control
 CALL               Load and execute a PPE from a PPE
 DELAY              Pause execution for a specified period of clock ticks
 DISPSTR            Display a string, text file, or execute a PPE
 END                End/Terminate PPE execution
 FOR/NEXT           Execute a block of statments for a range of values
 GOSUB              Transfer program control and save the return information
 GOTO               Transfer program control
 IF/ELSE(IF)/ENDIF  Execute one or more statments if a condition is true
 RETURN             Go to statement after the last GOSUB or end of the PPE
 SHELL              Shell out to a program or batch file
 STOP               Abort PPE execution without script answer save
 WAIT               Displays a PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE? prompt
 WHILE/ENDWHILE     Execute one or more statments while a condition is true

Program Elements
 DBGLEVEL           Set a new debug level for PCBoard
 DEC                Decrement the value of a variable
 DOINTR             Generate a system interrupt
 INC                Increment the value of a variable
 LET                Evaluate an expression and assign the result to a variable
 POP                Pop values pushed onto the stack
 PUSH               Push (save) evaluated expressions to the stack

Screen Control
 ANSIPOS            Position the cursor on screen using ANSI escape sequences
 BACKUP             Backup (move cursor left) IEXP columns
 CLREOL             Clear to end of line, with current color for ANSI mode
 CLS                Clear the screen, with the current color for ANSI mode
 COLOR              Change the current active color
 DEFCOLOR           Resets the current color to the system default
 FORWARD            Move the cursor forward (to the right)
 RESETDISP          Reset the display after a user abort
 RESTSCRN           Restore the screen from a previously saved buffer
 SAVESCRN           Save the screen to a buffer for later restoration
 SHOWOFF            Turns off display of information to the screen
 SHOWON             Turns on display of information to the screen
 SOUND              Turn on local computers speaker at a given frequency
 STARTDISP          Start PCBoard's display routines in a specified mode

 GETTOKEN           Retrieve a token from a previous TOKENIZE
 TOKENIZE           Tokenize a string

PCBoard Style Commands
 BLT                Display a specified bulletin number to the user
 BROADCAST          Broadcast a single line message to a range of nodes
 BYE                Same as having the user type BYE from the command prompt
 CHAT               Initiate SysOp chat mode
 GOODBYE            Log the user off (same as typed G (goodbye) command)
 HANGUP             Hangup on the user without any notification
 JOIN               Join a conference command
 MESSAGE            Enter a message under PPL control
 PAGEOFF            Turn off the SysOp paged indicator
 PAGEON             Turn on the SysOp paged indicator
 QUEST              Have user answer a specified script questionnaire

PCBoard Miscellaneous System Data
 ADJTIME            Adjust the users time up or down
 CONFFLAG           Set flags in a given conference for the current user.
 CONFUNFLAG         Clear flags in a given conference for the current user.
 DELUSER            Flag the user online on the current node for deletion
 GETUSER            Fill U_... variables with values from users record
 NEWPWD             Change the users password (maintain PSA)
 PUTUSER            Copy values from system variables (U_...) to user record

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson